Review Details

Seaon Stylist & Amanda Estilo: Shines for ChaCha */*****

Seaon Stylist & Amanda Estilo: Shines for ChaCha */*****

Product Review (submitted on March 9, 2011):
I can’t help being biased when it comes to Seaon’s DVDs, which I believe is most reasonable; he is one of my favourite dancers and instructors, whose DVDs I hold as among the best. The fact that this new series goes back to the roots by incorporating Amanda a peer instructor makes this even more compelling.

According to Seaon’s own words, this is a beginner’s introduction to cha cha cha for dancers already familiar with basic salsa. He and Amanda take you from the very basic steps, On2, to very popular simple shines, to less common ones, all seasoned with rich styling, body motions, hands decoration and the like. The structure of the DVD goes back to Eddie Torres’ original videos, so styling is demonstrated individually from Amanda and Seaon, who focus on lady’s and men’s styling at its very best.

The apparent simplicity of the shines explained in this DVD may be misleading; while an average dancer will probably master the footwork fairly quickly, it will take common mortals more than the allocated life time to equal the body styling, so there is plenty to learn for dancers of any level. And if the guys may find Seaon’s body expressivity a bit over the top for an average dance floor, again worry not, since most likely Nature will ensure that your body executes much narrower movements, resulting is suitably tamed versions of the same.

I like the windows containing written comments and hints on how to interpret and make the shines comes to life, which you can read while the material is demonstrated to music and will surely not annoy you as if they were spoken, should you decide to watch this DVD over and over, as I will surely do.