Review Details

Salsa with Tomaj: Club Style Salsa, Intermediate Level 2 ***

Salsa with Tomaj: Club Style Salsa, Intermediate Level 2 ***

Product Review (submitted on March 9, 2011):
For a general comment on this salsa series, you may want to read my review of the Intermediate Vol 1. Vol2 obviously takes you one step further in Tomaj’s program. You will learn more footwork, CrossBody leads with turns, the copa (though this curiously differs from what is generally called copa or in-and-out), spot turns, wraps, hand checks and hand drops; finally a short turn pattern at the end combined with some of the basic material. As in Vol 1, this DVD is also slightly longer than 30 minutes; if you learn all the material contained in the DVD (together with Vol 1), you may expect to be able to dance a reasonable salsa, nothing fancy, but enough to step on the dance floor and feel secure. Tomaj teaches well, explaining things clearly, and the camera views allow an understanding of all details. A product for early intermediate dancers.